Iris Members Share Their Love
Trent Silvernail
I've been on Iris for eight months and had a better experience getting matched on here compared to other apps. Deleted all the others and kept just Iris. Since it is still a new app, I had to be patient as more people have signed up. Met a few good friends so far and the recent match... WOW! Most successful date I have had in years! This week will be the fifth time I see her in five weeks. See where this goes. If anyone is tired of typical online dating, Iris sure can fix that problem.
Hi! I just wanted to let you know because of your app I have a valentines date tonight! Thank you so much, I really like the way your app is built. And the interface is very user friendly and unique.
I'm writing this message more to vent and really advise overall. I've used Tinder, Bumble, and Iris. For probably three years now. I'm just really not finding anyone anymore. I'd meet someone great - we'd talk, and then things collapse. Back at square one. It's tiring and frustrating. It's really messing with my mental health and happiness because I feel so unwanted at times... As for Iris, I will keep it on my phone and try sometimes but I'm unsure. Again I don't expect a reply to this, I just wanted to write my feelings down due to frustration and loneliness. Out of all of the companies who operate a dating app, Iris's business model and mission statement is more holistic and comforting. So I felt safer here. Anyways, thank you to whoever ends up reading this.
per-request i've left a heartfelt comment alongside "review" ! just seeing the things you guys do for your customers, i have to say im personally impressed as an 18 year old who's been through heartbreak, trauma, and quite honestly has been given a second chance at life due to heart failure when i was 16, something like this, something rare that makes people feel as though others ARE trying to create simpler and more efficient methods of doing things such as dating, are truly out there, blows my mind personally, and makes me feel great. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to be apart of this journey, i hope to be able to say i found what i was looking for, in due time.
Joe Makela
Looking for a great app to find the love of your life? This is it! It uses stock photos to find your "type" then any person you may like has been verified to be real because they use selfie verified profiles! It's the best dating app I have come across! That's saying something because I have tried them all! Don't believe me? Try it yourself!